Free Holiday Activities & Food Programme
We provide opportunities for children, young people and families in receipt of benefit related free school meals to government funded access our popular holiday club programmes.
Due to the cost of living crisis we recognise that families may be struggling to choose between putting food on the table and paying their heating & electricity bills. We do not believe families should be forced to choose which is why we provide government funded days out for families to create long lasting memories of fun throughout the Easter, Summer, October and Christmas School Holidays.
We have worked with local authorities since 2019 to positively impact the health and wellbeing of the local community across the school holidays.
The Benefits
Leading free school holiday clubs.
Department for Education research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience gap. Children from low-income households are:
- + Less likely to access organised out-of-school activities
- + More likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health
- + More likely to experience social isolation
The HAF programme is a response to this issue. Evidence shows that free holiday clubs can have a positive impact on children and young people. They work best when they:
- + Provide consistent and easily accessible enrichment activities
- + Cover more than just breakfast or lunch
- + Involve children and parents in food preparation
Our Involvement
Supporting children and parents.
TB SPORT offer highly rated (by children & young people, parents and local authorities) HAF-funded provision which provides fun and enriching activities that allows children and young people to:
- + Develop new skills or knowledge
- + Try out new experiences
- + Have fun and socialise
TB SPORT meet the criteria set out by the Department for Education by providing the following which includes but is not limited to:
- + Physical activities - for example football, swimming, table tennis or cricket
- + Creative activities - for example putting on a dance show, junk modelling or food crafts
- + Experiences - for example family ice skating sessions, visits to a local farm park or family swimming sessions
We will be working with over 500 children & young people and supporting their families over the course of the 2023 Holiday Activities and Food Programme.
Hear what parents have to say about HAF.
"The boys have been able to benefit from having more exercise, being creative, socialising with other children and learning new skills which improves their confidence in lots of different activities. I believe the holiday club has supported them to be more healthy/active to feel part of a community where otherwise they would be Isolated. It has enabled them to get a sense of achievement when doing activities and making things. The boys always come home telling me what they had for dinner."
Parent of children attending Greythorn HAF
"Thank you very much for the holiday activities you have provided for our children. We have thoroughly enjoyed all the activities we have participated in and couldn’t have done any otherwise. You’ve kept our family together at times and very happy. We missed some activities due to being fully booked but I can say, well run clubs, activities and communication. Keep up the good work because to some families you are the highlight of their holidays."
Parent of children attending Gedling HAF